Thursday, January 30, 2014

Battle of the Moles

   My dilemma in the barn now is how to outsmart the moles. I see little foot prints and paths in the snow leading to my barn, I have holes in between bricks in the barn floor, but alas I cannot catch those little devils in traps. They have dug wonderful little tunnels under the bricks on the floor, even enough to push some of the corners of the bricks up, which was my first clue that they are indeed moles. Usually I catch quite a few moles in traps earlier in the fall, but this year they waited until the really cold weather to set up housekeeping in my barn. While at Tractor Supply picking up provisions for the animals last week I bought brand new traps, thinking they smelled something foreboding on the old traps. Still nothing! I've tried cheese, peanut butter, but still no luck. I fill in the holes in the floor but new ones appear, so I know the moles are having a great time while I am not around. I then decided to bring in my secret weapon, Teddy. Teddy is the garage/shop resident tabby cat who lives in a very warm, heated workshop. Although he catches mice and moles in the garage, he wants no part of an unheated barn. So the battle of the moles continues... Thanks Teddy!
Mole pathways to the barn in the snow

Tunnels under bricks on floor

Teddy, the secret weapon, to tired to catch moles
Here are a couple of pictures of the ice sculptures I took in Stowe last weekend, while visiting my daughter. No chance of them melting anytime soon.

Diamond ring ice sculpture

Musical clef ice sculpture

The sheep are still enjoying the afternoons outside even in the frigid temperatures. Here they are on a sunny 10 degree afternoon, happy to get out of the barn
Hopefully the groundhog won't see his shadow on Sunday and he'll stay out! Can we really anticipate spring will be right around the corner then? I hope so.


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