Friday, September 6, 2013

Fresh Eggs

Yesterday was a milestone in the life of one of our new chickens who came to the farm in April as a baby chick. One of our Buff Orpingtons became a laying hen! She went from being a pullet (that goofy, gawky teenage stage) to a full grown hen by laying her first "tiny" egg. Not much eating out of that egg as compared to the full-sized eggs our three year old Barred Rock chickens lay, but she will soon be laying breakfast sized eggs.
It is a huge relief to me to see that they are starting to lay, because we lost some of our chickens to a fox attack in the beginning of August. Not only did he dig under the fence and kill chickens, but he severely maimed some of the other chickens and traumatized them so that they have been laying less frequently. I am already planning what kinds of chicks to order in the spring to build up our flock. For now though, I am glad to see they are all happy and safe. Maybe soon we will put up the "Fresh Eggs" sign!

Buff Orpington

Barred Rock

Happy hens at their hen house

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