Friday, October 4, 2013

Sheep and Wool Festival

It is hard to believe it has been a week since the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival and I haven't even written about it yet. It was really fabulous in every aspect, the weather was perfect, the sheep and sheep dogs were all on good behavior (as were their owners) and the vendors had the most amazing selections of yarn, roving, and raw wool. I couldn't believe all the types of yarn, and the selections of colors were nothing short of incredible. I was so overwhelmed at the various choices I didn't know what to knit out of which yarn. I wanted to buy a sampling of every color and every weight of yarn. Next year I plan to pick out a few patterns for knitting beforehand and come prepared with a list of the weight, color and amount of yarn for each project. The thing that was most impressive was that everyone seemed to be genuinely having a great time, evident from all the smiles I saw. Of course I forgot my camera to capture all the happy attendees and all the beautiful sheep, goats and alpacas.
Next it was on to my highly anticipated three hour spinning class. Here was my chance to learn to take my sheep's wool and spin it into yarn for making hats, mittens and even sweaters. It is every shepherdess' dream to wear a sweater she knit from her own flock's wool. Not so fast! I have decided I will probably keep buying my yarn, or else send out my wool to a mill to be processed into yarn. Yes, that is my new dream. A sweater knit from the wool of my sheep processed at a mill. I found the whole spinning process discouraging and boring. It didn't help that my loaner spinning wheel kept malfunctioning and had to be repaired by the instructor several times.The class was filled so I was stuck, no more extra wheels. I have to admit spinning is not for me, no matter if I had a perfectly working wheel. I now have such respect and awe for people who spin their own yarn. What patience to sit for hours! I just don't have it. So now I am off to put my sheep and chickens in for the night, because I have been sitting too long blogging. Good night.


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