Friday, December 13, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree

   We got our Christmas tree last Saturday, put it up in the house Sunday, and decorated it on Monday. You know you are getting older when it takes three days to get a Christmas tree up and decorated. It was snowing lightly all day Monday, and with Bing Crosby crooning Christmas songs it finally felt like Christmastime. It took us longer than usual to pick out our tree this year, since I pledged not to get an overly pruned tree. Last year our tree was so artificial looking with each branch so manicured by the tree farm. This year I wanted a more graceful, natural looking tree with boughs that were not all trimmed to be of equal size. This was not an easy quest, but after walking up and down hills at the tree farm we found our treasure. This tree was in the last row of Christmas trees, almost in the outer forest. Maybe it was in the forest! Anyway, my collection of vintage ornaments showed off much better this year with more space between the branches. We put the tree in our library this year and I don't know why I didn't think of putting it there other years, because it is in the perfect spot to enjoy it.
   I'm still finishing up making a few last minute gifts, but most of the shopping, crafting, and Christmas card sending is done. That leaves baking and wrapping presents. Tomorrow I plan to make my family's recipe for the most fabulous, moist fruitcake. It wouldn't be Christmas without this cake!
   We are still waiting for Charlotte to come home to the farm from the breeders. Hopefully just before Christmas we will pick her up. It will be good to have another body in the barn to keep it warm. Since we sold our cow last year, I can tell the difference in the temperature of the barn. A big animal makes a big difference in the winter months for heat.
   With the cold weather and snow cover outside I have been feeding the birds at the bird feeder. This year feeding the birds is becoming stressful do to pigeons. And I mean a lot of pigeons! They can clean out a bird feeder in just minutes. My husband and I keep scaring them away and luckily they are becoming fewer and fewer everyday. We are very vigilant at watching for them, but the minute I go out for a few hours they definitely help themselves to every seed in the feeder. We also nearly had a casualty yesterday. A chickadee flew into our kitchen window with a thud and ended up laying on the back porch stunned. After bringing him in the house and stroking his little body, he was ready to go back outside to be with his friends. A happy ending!

Visiting Chickadee

Vintage sled and skates by our back door

Christmas Tree 2013

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