Thursday, March 20, 2014

Meet Patrick and Peter

   The Farm at Mill Village has two new babies to welcome spring. Meet Patrick and Peter.

They are brothers who are nine weeks old and just as cute as can be. We went on St. Patrick's Day to pick up our first bunny, hence the name Patrick. By the next morning I felt it would be a lonely life for Patrick, so we went back to pick up Peter, named after my Grandfather and coincidently "Peter Rabbit". The only complication is that in order to keep two males together they will need to be neutered at four months old, or run the risk of them fighting. Male rabbits will also spray urine like a male cat if not neutered. So it is off to the vet for Patrick and Peter in a few weeks. We have always kept rabbits, but this is the first time we have decided to keep two together and opt for surgery. For now they are very happy to be together and enjoy each others company. These are by far the friendliest bunnies we have ever had, loving to be picked up and cuddled and I am more that happy to indulge them. Who could resist? When the warm weather arrives, if the warm weather arrives, they will be going outside to a large rabbit hutch where they will have plenty of room to run back and forth all day long. For now they are in an indoor rabbit cage in a corner of our living room enjoying the activities of family living.
Happy first day of Spring and thanks for reading my blog!

Patrick enjoying his breakfast

Peter trying to take a nap but Patrick wants to play

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